
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Fri. Oct. 23, 2020

By Tim Martin Oct 23, 2020 | 2:26 PM

The Problem with Hunter

Every day brings new revelations about former Vice President Biden’s family and business dealings. There’s a lot of talk back and forth about whether it was legal or whether it was ethical…two very different things…and if the Democrat candidate himself profited directly.

One Twitter post noted that when Trump got into office, his family got out of foreign business affairs; when Biden was in office, his family got into them.

There’s quite an outcry over the lack of coverage the story has gotten this week from mainstream media, with accurate note that if the tables were turned and it was a Trump son doing this, there’d be front page headlines. 

I’m beginning to wonder if another part of why the pay-for-influence scandal isn’t getting more traction with regular citizens is that they presume this is business as usual in the swamp. And sadly, there may be a lot of truth to that.

A politician’s family got rich for no reason other than the family name…a story that sounds bad, but yet hardly surprising. Sure, there are the obvious conflicts of interest and potential for blackmail and improper leverage, even if the “big guy” himself was not involved. But again…a lack of surprise on the part of voters.

That may be ultimately the worst part of it all. It may well be that the Democrat candidate for president was part of a scheme where he’d agree to meet with foreign business associates of his family members, in exchange for a piece of the action funneled through others and a series of subchapter S corporations to avoid paying taxes…and we sort of just yawn.

Yes, this all coming out days before election day…and after half of those who are voting already have mailed in their ballots…is suspicious, and makes one wish those controlling the announcement of the information had dumped this all on us a month before now. But it’s important stuff and even if it seems like normal swamp business…it shouldn’t be.News/Talk 1540 KXEL · Iowa Politics — Fri. Oct. 23, 2020