
Iowa Politics with Jeff Stein — Wed. May 27, 2020

By Tim Martin May 27, 2020 | 8:12 AM

Do As I Say

There’s nothing worse than someone going on at length about a certain topic…and then doing the very opposite of what they were advocating. Sort of like the preacher who engages in adultery, or the temperance advocate who is found intoxicated.

Hypocrisy is not limited to one political party, to be sure, and recent actions during the pandemic are no exception. Governors in particular are held to a high standard, since they are the ones issuing the orders they expect us all to follow.

The governor of Illinois said it was no one’s business but his family’s for his wife to travel to their second home in Florida, despite his order prohibiting such out-of-state travel.

Similarly, the governor of Michigan barred travel to second homes, and therefore had a hard time explaining why her husband was at theirs…she said it was to rake leaves…those pesky May leaves falling all around. Of course, that story paled in comparison with the First Gentleman’s attempts to get his boat in the water at the local marina before Memorial Day, by saying to the owner, “I am the husband of the governor, will this make a difference?” The governor said it was a failed attempt at humor.

The governor of Nevada told citizens to wear masks in public or face sanctions, but was photographed in a Walgreen’s a few days ago without one.

I’m not immune from being hypocritical, nor are any of us. The difference is that those who ask to be elected, to act in service to us, are expected to at least follow the rules they set up and expect the rest of us to follow. Lead by example, the saying goes. Some examples. 


News/Talk 1540 KXEL · Iowa Politics — Wed. May 27, 2020